
 Huckins Farm - Conservation


Huckins Farm is located in the West Bedford area of Bedford, MA, with important conservation habitats close by, including Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge and numerous conservation areas (visit Town of Bedford Conservation Commission). 

Huckins Farm trail view - two parallel wood planks, muddy ground, trail. Huckins Farm Bedford

A bog bridge. Installed by the Huckins Farm Conservation Committee and the Bedford Conservation Commission. 

In early 2021, the manager of Churchill Stables received a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDRA) and initiated a project to transform hay and horse manure collected from stalls into compost using the environmentally friendly windrow method. The compost created is now used on the horse pastures and available to Huckins Farm landscaping crew and residents.

The Huckins Farm Homeowners Trust encourages this project which benefits our community environment.

Huckins Farm Equestrian Center windrow compost project view --two hands holding earthy compost; Huckins Farm Bedford

Huckins Farm Compost from windrows